
Youth vs Social Problems Research


This report, titled "Youth Vs Social Problems", explores the social problems faced by Burmese youth and the coping mechanisms they employ. The research investigates the impact of these issues on young people's lives, their mental well-being, and their outlook on the future.

The report is based on a survey of 103 Burmese individuals aged 17 to 35 from diverse backgrounds. The findings highlight the economic, social, and psychological consequences young people face due to limited educational and employment opportunities, further amplified by recent political events and the COVID-19 pandemic.

The report offers valuable insights into:

  • The impact of social problems on young people's education, careers, and mental health
  • The coping mechanisms young people utilize to navigate challenges
  • The range of responses young people have towards social problems
  • The perceived causes of social problems, including societal expectations and limitations
  • Recommendations for addressing these challenges and empowering Burmese youth

This report is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the well-being of young people in Myanmar. It provides crucial data and insights for policymakers, educators, social service providers, and anyone who wants to understand the experiences of Burmese youth.

Download the full report here: 

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Y​ou​t​h​ ​vs​ S​o​c​ial ​P​ro​b​lem​s ​R​e​port​​​

We encourage you to share this report with your networks. Spreading awareness of the challenges faced by Burmese youth can help build support and identify potential solutions.

Youth vs Social Problems Research
Yangon School of Social Work, YSSW IT July 16, 2024
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